Friday 20 February 2009

How To Do Card Magic - Top Tip For First Timers

You know the feeling. You’ve spend the last couple of months perfecting your first magic trick and your just so excited to be performing for your family and friends and then the moment arrives and you just freeze. Your palms are sweating and your heart is pounding and you feel like you’re standing naked in front of a massive crowd. Although you’ve practiced and devoted a huge amount of time to getting this trick down perfect, it all changes when you have to perform in front of actual people.

For the lucky few, this will never happen. They will just walk out into the spotlight and perform without a hitch. For most, however, those first moments under the dazzling spotlights can result in a deer in the headlights scenario. You can and will overcome this fear and here are a great ways to combat those overwhelming nerves.

Distraction is the most important aspect of magic. When you perform any kind of magic, the aim is to ensure that the audience are paying attention to something other than what you are trying to cover up. Always try to look people in the eyes and by asking questions, they will feel the need to answer you and make eye contact when they do that. It is a great technique to use in order to distract them at the crucial moment.

By talking and engaging your audience you’ll notice that you will not be as tense and being in command of your audience by controlling the timing and where the attention is focused will definitely help you to calm down and enjoy the experience. If you don’t know what kind of chit chat to engage your audience in, then think about learning some great jokes or one liners that will help with the entertainment of your audience and laughing people tend not to notice as much.

Remember that practice is the daily chore, but the performance is where magic comes alive. The more you practice and the more you perform, the easier your performances will become.

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