Sunday 8 March 2009

Criss Angel – A 21st Centuary Role Model

Many people may not agree with the opinion that Criss Angel is a role model for this generation. Too many people will look at his dark persona and will think that he has a hidden agenda, and he has. Criss Angel is a performer who is bringing back the magic to magic.

Gone are the days when the teen generation chose to wear pastels and sang songs with words like happy and gay in the chorus. This is a darker more edgier world we live in and the teens of today may not seem as easy to understand as their peers of the 1960, 70’s and 80s, but they still have a desire to do the impossible, to be the individual and in some way to become the super… well, the super-something.

Magic has changed, just like the younger generation have. Mentalism is the new magic, rooted in skills like cold reading and perception, they allow the average person to perform the perceivably impossible. The generation of today are more grounded in reality. They see what is happening in the world on the news and in movies and they understand that being special doesn’t mean emulating the likes of Superman or Spiderman. Being special means being able to do things that others perceive to be impossible.

You don’t have to be a parent to know that it is natural for all children to rebel at some point in their lives. As an adult, you know this as you experienced it yourself and it’s this understanding of a childs need to rebel or to be considered bad that drives a lot of them.

The image of Criss Angel levitating from one building to another has astounded many audiences and it is this great feat, which can be achieved by anyone willing to take the time to practise, that has changed the perception of magic forever. Criss Angel has led magic to take a slightly darker turn, which appeals to the younger generation without actually leading down a darker path. This has become a great outlet for the rebel inside many a difficult child and the redirection of focus from doing some bad to doing something perceived as bad is a relief for many parents around the world.

Saturday 7 March 2009

Revealed Tricks – The Magic of Levitation

There are various kinds of magic that one can perform from coin and card magic to mentalism. By far, the most popular magic trick both in the streets and on stage is the magic of levitation.

Of all the magic that is performed on a daily basis, this is the one performance that will always be a crowd pleaser. Having the ability to make a dollar bill, taken from someone in the audience, to command it to float in front of their very eyes without any strings attached and then to return it to them, will always blow them away.

The best aspect of levitation is that it feeds every persons fantasy of being able to fly – of course without a machine strapped around him. It’s this desire to believe that it is possible that makes the audience so delighted when you perform it. Be it card, a note or even yourself, be sure to create a stir with this magic trick.

As with most magical performances, there are different methods to achieve the same results. Some are better than others and you will often require trying out a few different methods before you find the one that works best for you. By far the most common levitation effect is called the Balducci Levitation. This is effective and pretty easy to achieve. If you are looking for more height of the ground then you may want to look at The King Rising. But for those who want to perform like the big names in levitation such as Criss Angel and David Blaine, then you want to find out about Icarus Levitation.

Icarus Levitation is an amazing visual levitation performance. It will take your magic skills to the next level and although it requires a fair amount of time to master this particular skill, it will definitely improve your overall performance

Friday 6 March 2009

Revealed Tricks – Misdirection is an Art

There are various ways to misdirect your audience at that crucial moment. Many people insist that their misdirection is included in their patter and that the timing of that is vital, for others it’s an inclination of the voice or a moment of the head or a gesture with one hand that draws the attention of the audience to look at the face rather then the hands.

The entire purpose of magic is to conduct your audience in the same manner that a conductor conducts his orchestra. You move their attention around the trick and by keeping their attention and making the performance flow in a sequence you can easily manipulate their focus of attention to where you want it to be.

It is far easier to control your audience when you are on a stage surrounding by intelligent lighting and props as well as having assistants to distract their attention to, but for most people performing on the streets or front of friends, you don’t have all those distractions.

Some of the best ways to control the audience is to make sure that they are standing or sitting in a particular position to you. This is so important if you are doing tricks where angels are important – such as with levitation. You have to maintain eye contact as much as is possible. When the moment arrives to complete your move, you will want to redirect their attention to your face again so that you have eye contact with them. Sometimes having a few different misdirection techniques available will allow you to keep your audience guessing.

Remember, you don’t always have to complete your misdirection right before the end of the trick. Sometimes it is possible to extend the trick a little longer after having completed it, so that the audience only become aware that the trick has happened long after the misdirection. Trying out different timings and different misdirection techniques will help you to build up a natural performance that works with you, your body type and your tricks.

Once you have mastered your routine, it should flow seamlessly and should keep the audience both entertained and mystified. Practise is the only way to achieve that seamless performance, but once you have achieved it, you will blow people away.

To Find out more about Misdirection and other important aspects of magic take a look at our website

Monday 2 March 2009

Street Magic Revealed True Talent

Over the last few years the whole world has fallen in love with magic. The shows are getting better and better and the performances are more and more amazing. Every year it seems that the bar is being raised by new and upcoming as well as veteran performers. But having a bigger than life persona or a brilliant show doesn’t have to be the only way to make it as a magician.

When we go to shows by the big names in magic, you know you can expect to see the most unbelievable illusions and you are going to be amazed, but it is good old fashioned street magic that has really caught the eye of the general public and its street magic that has got everyone talking.

In recent years, the biggest names to come out the magic realm happen to be street magicians. The reason being, that although the illusions on stage are always spectacular, especially when performed by the best in the industry, there is nothing more amazing than being up close and involved in the experience and street magic allows young and old, sceptics and believers alike to actually be right there within touching distance of the magic.

The great thing about street magic is that it is always full of surprises. Amazing feats of removing people’s teeth while a crowd of spectators surrounding the magician look on from every angle, makes the magic even more magical. And because of this freedom from the constraints of old magic rules, new and innovative tricks are being thought of every day and new and exciting magicians are born just as often. Every well known performer was once just an average guy trying to make his name in the industry. Now we have the internet to thank for launching some unknowns with talent into the limelight and while people are still entranced by street performances, magic will continue to amaze us and magicians will continue to astound us.

The whole magic industry is alive with young talent that are learning new tricks through revealed trick sites and discovering the magic through people like Criss Angel and David Blaine. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that the magic never dies, and with our world becoming more and more interactive, it’s no surprise that Street Magic is where the real excitement is.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Hecklers & Revealed Tricks

No matter how long you have been doing magic, there are always going to be people who just can’t enjoy the illusion. For all the many people you amaze with your skills, there will forever be a, well, lets call him or her a ‘yobbo’, for lack of a better name, who will want to shout out and reveal your trick just as your about to get to the high point.

So how do you deal with such a ‘yobbo’? Lets imagine that you are about to perform the floating bill routine. You’ve been chit chatting to your audience, explaining about the wonderous powers that surround us and how by harnessing these powers, you can make object move mysteriously. You’ve asked someone to lend you a dollar bill and you are ready to show your captivated audience exactly what you mean. You entice the dollar bill to start moving at your command. You have the audience eating out of your hands and with gasps of oh and ah, you know that you have their full attention.

It always happens that just when you think you have the whole rooms attention, that single ‘yobbo’ who refuses to enjoy life more, will move in and spoil the trick by exposing how it works. As with all ‘yobbos’, there is only one way to put them in their place, as the only reason that anyone will ever want to spoil your show is if they are in need of attention and want to be the most important person in the room. They are usually the confrontational type and are doing this to get a rise out of you.

The best reaction is…. Laugh out loud. Although it’s hard to not feel disappointed and upset, remember that you are an entertainer and a professional. There will always be people who want to see you fail, especially when your art is something they don’t understand or cannot do.

Make a joke about how some people don’t like to witness amazing feats of magic and don’t like others to enjoy it. That there resides in everyone a little devil who wants to disrupt and some can control their little devils better than others. At the end of the day, your show will be remembered for the grace of not getting upset and still enjoying the art of magic rather then the ridiculousness of being heckled.

If the ‘yobbo’ doesn’t want to leave you alone, walk away. There is no point in competing for the limelight with a limelight hog. Some individuals just can’t be second most popular in a crowd and your audience will appreciate your professionalism and passion for the art and will want to see you again without disruptive hecklers around.

For More information on How to do card tricks and learn mentalism take a look at our website...

Friday 20 February 2009

How To Do Card Magic - Top Tip For First Timers

You know the feeling. You’ve spend the last couple of months perfecting your first magic trick and your just so excited to be performing for your family and friends and then the moment arrives and you just freeze. Your palms are sweating and your heart is pounding and you feel like you’re standing naked in front of a massive crowd. Although you’ve practiced and devoted a huge amount of time to getting this trick down perfect, it all changes when you have to perform in front of actual people.

For the lucky few, this will never happen. They will just walk out into the spotlight and perform without a hitch. For most, however, those first moments under the dazzling spotlights can result in a deer in the headlights scenario. You can and will overcome this fear and here are a great ways to combat those overwhelming nerves.

Distraction is the most important aspect of magic. When you perform any kind of magic, the aim is to ensure that the audience are paying attention to something other than what you are trying to cover up. Always try to look people in the eyes and by asking questions, they will feel the need to answer you and make eye contact when they do that. It is a great technique to use in order to distract them at the crucial moment.

By talking and engaging your audience you’ll notice that you will not be as tense and being in command of your audience by controlling the timing and where the attention is focused will definitely help you to calm down and enjoy the experience. If you don’t know what kind of chit chat to engage your audience in, then think about learning some great jokes or one liners that will help with the entertainment of your audience and laughing people tend not to notice as much.

Remember that practice is the daily chore, but the performance is where magic comes alive. The more you practice and the more you perform, the easier your performances will become.