Saturday 21 February 2009

Hecklers & Revealed Tricks

No matter how long you have been doing magic, there are always going to be people who just can’t enjoy the illusion. For all the many people you amaze with your skills, there will forever be a, well, lets call him or her a ‘yobbo’, for lack of a better name, who will want to shout out and reveal your trick just as your about to get to the high point.

So how do you deal with such a ‘yobbo’? Lets imagine that you are about to perform the floating bill routine. You’ve been chit chatting to your audience, explaining about the wonderous powers that surround us and how by harnessing these powers, you can make object move mysteriously. You’ve asked someone to lend you a dollar bill and you are ready to show your captivated audience exactly what you mean. You entice the dollar bill to start moving at your command. You have the audience eating out of your hands and with gasps of oh and ah, you know that you have their full attention.

It always happens that just when you think you have the whole rooms attention, that single ‘yobbo’ who refuses to enjoy life more, will move in and spoil the trick by exposing how it works. As with all ‘yobbos’, there is only one way to put them in their place, as the only reason that anyone will ever want to spoil your show is if they are in need of attention and want to be the most important person in the room. They are usually the confrontational type and are doing this to get a rise out of you.

The best reaction is…. Laugh out loud. Although it’s hard to not feel disappointed and upset, remember that you are an entertainer and a professional. There will always be people who want to see you fail, especially when your art is something they don’t understand or cannot do.

Make a joke about how some people don’t like to witness amazing feats of magic and don’t like others to enjoy it. That there resides in everyone a little devil who wants to disrupt and some can control their little devils better than others. At the end of the day, your show will be remembered for the grace of not getting upset and still enjoying the art of magic rather then the ridiculousness of being heckled.

If the ‘yobbo’ doesn’t want to leave you alone, walk away. There is no point in competing for the limelight with a limelight hog. Some individuals just can’t be second most popular in a crowd and your audience will appreciate your professionalism and passion for the art and will want to see you again without disruptive hecklers around.

For More information on How to do card tricks and learn mentalism take a look at our website...

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